Category: Client Work

  • Preparedness Projects for the Entire Family

    Preparedness Projects for the Entire Family

    The holidays are over and cold weather has settled in, making it all too easy to relax and ignore doing anything productive. Rather than hibernate your winter away, start the new year off right by spending quality with your family while working on preparedness projects. We’ve put together a list of 10 preparedness projects your…

  • How to Covertly Hide Survival Supplies for Safe Keeping

    How to Covertly Hide Survival Supplies for Safe Keeping

    We have no control over government and weather, both unreliable at best. We do, however, have control over our readiness to cope with an impending crisis created by either one. This is where home prepping comes into play – stockpiling disaster supplies is more important now than ever. Everyone should have basic prep supplies on…

  • How to Stay Safe After a Flood

    How to Stay Safe After a Flood

    In 2017, news of flooding hit the mainstream media with major flooding in Houston and Florida following hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Often media coverage is skewed and filled with unnecessary scare tactics to gain more viewers, but in this particular instance floods should scare us! All of us, not just those who live in hurricane…

  • How to Store Fruits and Veggies for Long-Term Survival

    How to Store Fruits and Veggies for Long-Term Survival

    Are you drowning in zucchini, cucumbers, squash, and tomatoes thanks to your garden? Too much produce is always a great problem to have, but can often leave gardeners wondering how to get the most out of their harvest. Whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of throwing any produce away! There’s always a way to…

  • Protected: Client Video Script

    Protected: Client Video Script

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  • 20 Items to Buy at Garage Sales This Summer That Will Help You Prep for a Crisis

    20 Items to Buy at Garage Sales This Summer That Will Help You Prep for a Crisis

    As warmer weather approaches, so does the onset of garage sales. With the new trend of living a minimalist lifestyle, people are de-cluttering and de-junking more than ever. This is great news for preppers! You can find and stock up on all kinds of items that will help you survive a disaster, without paying retail…

  • Protected: Client Case Study

    Protected: Client Case Study

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